

Hello! I’m Eric Khumbata

👋 Hi, tech enthusiasts and innovators! I’m a dynamic computer engineer stepping into the final year of my academic journey at the University of Alberta. With a solid foundation built through my computer engineering diploma from NAIT, I’ve embarked on an exhilarating journey of leadership and collaboration.

🎯 As the Director of HackED and HackED Beta, I thrive on transforming ideas into reality by orchestrating hackathons that foster creativity, teamwork, and ingenuity. Guiding my peers to discover their full potential is my driving force, and I take immense pride in nurturing the next generation of tech leaders.

💡 Currently at the helm as the President of the UAlberta Computer Engineering Club, I’m committed to creating an environment where innovation and camaraderie flourish. By harnessing my passion for effective communication and strategic management, I bring teams together to achieve remarkable outcomes.

🔧 Drawing from my experience as a skilled Service Desk Analyst, I’ve honed my technical acumen and problem-solving prowess. My ability to write production scripts has streamlined operations and boosted efficiency, illustrating my dedication to practical solutions that make a tangible impact.

🌟 Whether I’m diving into complex coding challenges, guiding ambitious projects, or fostering a vibrant tech community, I’m unwaveringly driven by the pursuit of excellence. If you’re seeking a driven leader with a knack for transforming ideas into achievements, let’s connect and embark on a journey of innovation together!